Body bag - cadaver bag for animal burials
MuHeSa offers bags for transport and burial of animal cadavers. Our bags are liquid-tight and have a zipper for easy handling. These cadaver bags can be used for disposal of wild pigs with African swine fever (ASF).
Cadaver bag for disposal of wild pigs with African swine fever (ASF)

Recommendation from the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection regarding the African swine fever (ASF)
To avoid the spread of disease the following protective measures are advised:
- Persons with contact to pig farming/ keeping should not participate in search and rescue teams
- Separation of clean and unclean areas during the transport
- Personal protective equipment (boots, protective clothing, disposable gloves) as well as their safe disposal
- Cleaning and disinfecting measures (material, equipment, vehicle/ trailer)
- Vehicles from search and rescue teams should not be used for driving to holdings where pigs are kept
- Personal protective equipment is also recommended for self-protection (putrid bacteria)